Did you know the Office of Career Services is Tiffin University’s one-stop-destination for all things relating to finding jobs, internships, and professional growth? Whether you’re preparing for a big interview, unsure of how to network with others in your field, or stumped on how to make that resume stand out – the CS Team is ready and excited to help!
Follow this link and select the “Career Center” tab to view the 15+ appointment-types to choose from, schedule a meeting, or learn about upcoming events. Click here to view 10+ resources created to help keep you up-to-date on professional do’s and don’ts.
Questions? Need help scheduling an appointment? Email careerservices@tiffin.edu and a member of the team will follow up ASAP.
If you would like extra help in navigating EBSCOhost databases, you can view some of our other EBSCOhost database tutorials below.
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