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NewsBank Tutorial

A tutorial for NewsBank, a database for locating news sources and media publications.

Creating a My Folder Account

A My Folder account is helpful for saving searches and articles for future use.  It can help you remember what searches you have conducted and the results that you have found.  To use this feature, you must create an account.  To create a My Folder account:

  1. Visit the NewsBank home page and hover over the "Session Folder" icon at the top of the page.  Click on "Create a Personal Folder."
  2. Enter your email address, name, and a password for your account into the boxes.
  3. Click "Create Account" to finish creating your account.

To sign into an existing account, hover the "Session Folder" icon and click on "Sign in to My Folder."  View the video below for a demonstration on creating a My Folder account.

My Folder Account Features

There are several features within a My Folder account that help you manage searches and search results:

My Saved Articles

My Saved Articles allows you to view, organize, and manage sources from NewsBank.  You can organize your saved articles by headline, source, publication date, and date saved.  This feature also has the following functions:

  • Cite: Provides citation information for a references or works cited page.
  • Email: Lets you share sources with others by sending them via email.
  • Print: Lets you print the article.
  • Download: Allows you to download a PDF file of the article to your device.
  • Save to folder: Allows you to move a source into another folder.
  • Delete:  Lets you delete the source from your list.

For directions on how to save articles to My Saved Articles, view our Search Results Features page.


My Saved Searches

My Saved Searches lets you save the keywords and filters used for different searches for future use.  It makes your searching more efficient because it shows you what search terms and filters you have already used.

For more information on using this feature, view our My Saved Searches page.

My Saved Searches Page

my saved searches page


My Saved Alerts

My Saved Alerts lets you manage the alerts you have created for specific searches.  You can manage your alerts with the following:

  • Organize your alerts by description, email address, frequency, and date saved.
  • Edit or delete an alert.

For directions on how to create an email alert, view our Search Results Features page.

My Saved Alerts Page

saved alerts page