Aside from basic and advanced searching, NewsBank has several features that make searching for news articles more efficient. NewsBank's features are:
Click on each link to learn more about NewsBank's features.
The A-Z Source List provides a comprehensive list of all news sources that can be found in NewsBank. They are categorized alphabetically by default, but you can browse different sources by filtering them. To use the A-Z Source List:
For more information on using the A-Z Source List, watch the video below.
Suggested Topics allows you to browse different news topics and access available sources. It is the fastest way to retrieve relevant information from NewsBank! To use this feature:
Watch the video below for more information on using Suggested Topics.
Special Reports
Special Reports provides current and retrospective news articles that focus on key global issues, events, and people. It also highlights monthly themes. News articles under this feature change often, so it is a great resource for learning about current events.
Hot Topics
Hot Topics provides current research topics that cover global issues, events, and people. Topics include business, economics, crime, politics, science, health, sports, and the arts. To use this feature, select a topic and the database will display results for you. From there, you can browse the results and search related topics.
Watch the video below to learn more about the Quick Links feature.