The following image shows the Advanced Search options screen, with the option to revert back to the "Basic Search."

Use the dropdown arrows to search for words in a specific field of an item's record. Those options are:
- Keyword - search for a word or string of words in any part of an item's record
- Title - search for a word or string of words only in the title of an item
- Subject - search for a word or string of words in the assigned subject headings
- Author - search for a word or string of words in only the author field
Use Boolean operators to either include or exclude certain terms for your search.
- AND – Pulls resources where all of your search terms appear. AND makes your search smaller.
- OR – Pulls resources where one or the other or both of your search terms appear. Using OR makes your search larger.
- NOT – Excludes a word from your search. Using NOT makes your search smaller.
Adjust format, location, and language using the dropdown menus. Insert a range of dates in the year field if needed.