Case studies can be found in the following database by completing a keyword search for "case study":
You might also want to try searching our print collection for published case studies:
The following databases in the library contain case studies:
You can limit your search results to only "case studies" in any EBSCO database by clicking on the "Advanced Search" option in the "Document Type" scroll box. The following image shows the location of this option:
If you need additional navigation help, we recommend the Navigating an EBSCO Database tutorial.
The "Advanced Search" option below the Nexis Uni search box allows you to limit your search results by topic, and include a series of words in that search. The following screen shows the steps we followed in order to isolate a "case study" for a certain topic:
*Note- some of the results may be news briefings and not the case studies themselves, but can lead you to additional search terms and information which might be helpful.
If you need additional navigation help, we recommend the Nexis Uni tutorial.
The O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform provides quick access to case studies directly on their home page. The following image shows the list of case studies, accessible by simply scrolling down the screen:
Click "See more" to access the full list of case study categories. The quantity of case studies available within each category is also noted.
If you need additional navigation help, we recommend the O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform tutorial.