
What's New at Pfeiffer Library?

January is National Hobby Month!

~[394]~ Luann Edwards ~[395]~ 2019-01-17T08:00:00-05:00 | 0 ~[396]~

Cold. Wind. Ice. Snow. The holiday season has come and gone, and the long, dreary winter months in Ohio seem to go on forever. There is reason to rejoice, however, because...

January is National Hobby Month!

You can beat the boredom and dreary weather by engaging your hands and your mind in a new activity! Pfeiffer Library has the resources to help!

We recommend that you check out:

  • TU Access Only
Access information on popular hobbies, crafts and recreation activities. Subject areas include arts & crafts; games & electronics; models; needlework; outdoors & nature; and scrapbooking & paper craft.


You can also browse our print collection- OPAL or OhioLINK - to locate more hobby resources to help you beat the winter blahs!


0 ~[396]~.




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