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Thesis & Dissertation Services

Thesis & Dissertation publishing options provided by the university

Pfeiffer Library Thesis Support

Pfeiffer Library works hard to showcase your scholarly work while a student at Tiffin University. We do this by allowing printed and bound copies of thesis work to be donated to the University Archive. Exceptional works that demonstrate excellence and Dragon pride are offered the opportunity to be published in OhioLINK's Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center (ETD).

Submission of your work to the OhioLINK’s ETD will give you a chance to showcase it. Submitted works will be accessible to those around the world electronically. Each submission to ETD creates a tweet promoting the new work in the database. Works are also indexed in common search engines like Google Scholar. This accessibility of your work means that you could be a cited scholar in the future. Looking ahead, you will also be able to provide an easily accessible example of your research, writing, and/or work to others like employers or schools.

You can access previous theses submitted through the library below:

Need Help?

If you're struggling to complete aspects of your thesis, especially your literature review, references, or citation management, the library has resources to help you succeed.

You can also visit the FAQ section just for thesis writing students: