Through the advanced feature searching, you can craft your search more specifically.
By clicking "Advanced search" beneath the basic search bar on the Nexis Uni homepage a host of new searching options appear. To utilize this feature, add in your words in the appropriate box and then hit "Add." The correct phrasing for your search will then appear in the search box. This is great for those that want to but don't know how to utilize Boolean searching.
Another advanced search feature is to search by a citation located as a tab at the top of the advanced searching menu.
The video below provided by Nexis Uni demonstrates these different Advanced Searching methods.
Another way to advanced search is to search within a single publication. You can do this by selecting "All sources" from the menu bar. You can either search or select a source to then search within.
A special feature in addition to this is the ability to link to a search results page.
The steps for both these features are available through the video below provided by Nexis Uni.