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Locating Statistical Resources

This guide demonstrates how to locate statistical sources through the library.

Locating Statistics in EBSCOhost Databases

While DragonQuest includes items from EBSCOhost databases in our A-Z list, it can be simpler to locate statistical sources on a particular topic by searching an EBSCO database directly.  EBSCOhost databases have the same search features as DragonQuest, so you do not need to worry about learning new search functions!  To view the list of EBSCO databases in our A-Z list, select "EBSCO" under the "All Vendors/Providers" dropdown category.  You can filter the list to statistical databases only in a couple of ways:

  • Search for "statistics" or a related term in the search bar on the right side.
  • Select a subject from the Subjects dropdown menu that utilizes statistics in the field.  (Examples: Business, Computer Science, Psychology & Sociology, Science, etc.)
  • Select "Statistics" from the Database Type dropdown menu.

Once you select a database, click on the database link.  From there, you can conduct a basic or advanced search for statistical sources.


Locating Statistics in EBSCO Databases (Basic Search)

To conduct a basic search for statistical sources in an EBSCO database:

  1. Type in a keyword that relates to your research topic.  Before hitting "search" add a term that categorizes your keyword to numerical data.  In other words, use a term that indicates quantitative data.  Examples of numerical terms include: statistics, data, numbers, cases, figures, trends, results, quantity, quantitative study, etc.
    • Example search phrases: COVID-19 cases, American poverty statistics, library trends, mental health survey, etc.
  2. View your search results.  If you are only interested in peer-reviewed journal articles, click on the "Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals checkbox on the left side of the page.
  3. Use the limiters on the left side of the page to narrow down your results.  Look for sources that have statistical terms in their titles and/or abstracts, such as case study, survey, questionnaire, and/or data.


EBSCO Database Search Results Page (Basic Search)

basic search ebsco db


Locating Statistics in EBSCO Databases (Advanced Search)

To conduct an advanced search for statistical sources in EBSCO databases:

  1. Click on the "Advanced Search" icon on the database's main search page.
  2. Type your topic or keyword into the first search box.  Make sure you have "AND" selected in the dropdown menu to the left of the search box.  In the second search box, type in a term that indicates that you are looking for numerical data.  The term you use will depend on the keyword you have in the first search box.  Example terms include: statistics, scale, statistical analysis, data, numbers, cases, figures, results, quantity, quantitative study, survey, etc.
    • Example search terms: violent crime rates, mental health statistics, customer satisfaction survey, etc.
  3. View your search results and narrow them down with the limiters on the left side of the page.  Look for sources that have statistical terms in their titles and/or abstracts, such as case study, survey, questionnaire, and/or data.

EBSCO Database Advanced Search Results Page (Academic Search Complete)

adv search page results ebsco statistics


If you are unfamiliar with using EBSCO databases, you can also view our tutorial below.