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What's New at Pfeiffer Library?

Storytellers & Dungeon Master's Workshop

by James Gilmer on 2024-09-10T09:00:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

Gear up for a masterclass in adventure design at Pfeiffer Library’s Storytelling Workshop – designed for aspiring game masters and dungeon masters! Maybe you’ve played D&D and want a chance in the driver’s seat; maybe you’re into spinning tales and leading epic quests in Dungeons & Dragons; either way, this is your chance to turn a classic story into your next big adventure. Teaming up with a guest scholar, we’ll start with a legendary narrative full of conflict and a villain worth defeating. Then, it’s all about crafting your unique D&D adventure — will it be a daring heist, a monstrous hunt, or a rescue mission fraught with danger?

This workshop is more than just storytelling; it’s about creating a whole universe your players can dive into. With help from the library and our Makerspace guru, Natalie, you’ll map out worlds, breathe life into NPCs, and choose the perfect miniatures to 3D print for your game. By the end, not only will you have the skills to bring narratives to life in your games, but you’ll also walk away with a complete D&D game box, ready to check out and play. Dive in, let your creativity run wild, and register now—spaces are limited, and this is one adventure you don’t want to miss!

Register here today while seats are available!

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