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September Theme: Celebrating Banned Videos!

by James Gilmer on 2024-09-16T09:00:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

Join us in fighting back against censorship! Books are not the only target of challenges and bannings; learn more about film censorship with this curated selection of titles through Tiffin University's 'Films on Demand' database: 

Cover ArtAnimal Farm by ClickView Pty Limited

Call Number: 129225

Publication Date: 2014

This video explores the context, characters, themes and writing style of George Orwell's popular classic novella. Topics include an overview of the Russian Revolution, allegorical stories explained, characters as metaphors for famous figures and groups within Russian history, the use of propaganda, and literary devices utilized within Animal Farm. Information on George Orwell's life experiences and beliefs shed light on his motives.



Cover ArtGeorge Orwell by BayView Entertainment

Call Number: 210140

Publication Date: 2006

English novelist, essayist, and critic, Orwell (pen name of Eric Arthur Blair) was born in India where his father was in the civil service. Homage To Catalonia expresses Orwell’s disillusionment during the Spanish Civil War, in which he fought on the Republican side. Two of his greatest novels included Animal Farm and 1984.




Cover ArtJohn Steinbeck by BayView Entertainment

Call Number: 210146

Publication Date: 2006

Novelist John Steinbeck was best noted for his portrayal of the proletariat. His writing realistically depicted the economically depressed in the U.S., particularly the itinerant farm laborers of California. Grapes Of Wrath is the novel which best fits this characterization. Steinbeck won a Pulitzer Prize and a Nobel Prize.




Cover ArtOf Mice and Men by ClickView Pty Limited

Call Number: 129283

Publication Date: 2014

This video explores the context, characters, themes and writing style of John Steinbeck's novella. The narrator discusses the social and economic landscape of the Great Depression and the role of the migrant worker to provide historical context. Other topics include in-depth character analyses of George, Lennie, and Curley's wife, how the central theme of strength and weakness is conveyed throughout the story, and literary devices implemented. Examples of metaphor, flashback, foreshadowing, and dramatic irony are provided.


Cover ArtWriters and Censorship by TV Ontario

Call Number: 36032

Publication Date: 2005

Authors Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasrin know about severe censorship firsthand. In this program, Suanne Kelman, of Ryerson University, opens the subject of censoring in literature using Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, The Diviners, and the Harry Potter series—all banned at one time or another or under threat of banning—as examples. Expanding on the theme, Rushdie (The Satanic Verses) then talks about fundamentalist Muslim sensibilities, living under a fatwa, and the writer’s role in the world, while Nasrin (Lajja) discusses patriarchal oppression of women, her escape from Bangladesh, and life in exile.



Cover Art1984 by Festival Films

Call Number: 115178

Publication Date: 1953

This early television adaptation of 1984 was the very first screen version of George Orwell's famous dystopian novel. Starring Eddie Albert as Winston Smith and Lorne Greene as O'Brien. Directed by Paul Nickell.

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