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Web of Science

Tutorial guide for utilizing Web of Science

Analyze Results

  • What country published the most papers on Climate Change last year?
  • What universities and companies are publishing research in Genetics & Heredity?
  • Which authors in Canada wrote about my research field in the last 10 years?

Use Analyze Results in Web of Science to find out!  Group and rank records in a results set by extracting data values from a variety of fields. Use this function to find the most prevalent authors in a particular field of study or generate a list of institutions ranked by record count based on your search query.

The result is a breakdown by record count and percentage of your total results and can be sorted according to your information need, category or field.

The Analyze Results can be performed on any set of results, which can then be ranked by the field of your choice (Author, Country, Founding Agency, etc.) You may select the number of results you wish to be displayed.

The two sorting options to create your report are by Record count or Alphabetical/Numeric Order. 

The results of the analysis can be exported and saved by clicking the "Download" icon.

To use the Analyze Results feature:

  1. Conduct a basic or advanced search and click on the "Analyze Results" icon on the search results page.
  2. Select a category from the dropdown list.  This will organize your results by the selected category.  Common categories include publication year, document type, database, author, and research area.
  3. Use the "Sort by" filters to organize your results alphabetically or by count.
  4. Select how you want to view the results by selecting from the visualization dropdown menu.
  5. Choose the number of results you want to be displayed.  This will vary depending on your topic.
  6. To view the search results under a specific category, hover over the box and click on "view record."


Analyze Results Visualization Page

wos analyze results page