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Locating Images

A guide on how to locate images within our databases.

Pfeiffer Library Databases

There are several databases on our library website that you can use to locate images:

EBSCOhost Databases

EBSCOhost databases, such as DragonQuest, have an "Images" icon at the top of the search page.  This will search the database for images only.  A good place to start would be searching the Academic Search Complete database, as it has sources on several topics for general interest.  If you are interested in locating images on a specific subject, you can view all our EBSCOhost databases here.


EBSCOhost Databases: Images Search Page

ebsco images page

Internet Sources

Besides our databases, you can also locate images from other online sources, including:

  • Google Images: Like using Google, it is a great place to retrieve simple information.  However, it is important to remember that not all information from Google is scholarly and accurate.  The same applies to photos and images.  If you plan on using Google Images or similar online resources for retrieving images, it is crucial that you cite the image and its original source correctly.  It may require searching around the website to locate the correct information.  You can also use Google Images' advanced search option to help you find images more efficiently.




These are just a few examples of reliable image resources, but there are several image collections that libraries and museums provide to the public.  Depending on the type of images you need, you may need to search different collections.  Take time to think about what type of images you need or the topic you are researching.  This can save you time in determining an appropriate source to find images.