Diotalevi, R. N. (1999). Copyright Dot Com: The Digital Millennium in Copyright.This paper examines copyright issues vital to education. It explores copyright in terms of both statutory and case law, and in particular in relation to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which is a complex set of rules and regulations that affects anyone involved in copyright. Among the new issues are the impact of technology and the Internet on copyright law. The first section of this report examines the basics of copyright, defining such terms as originality, expressions and fixation, ownership, registration, and duration, and discusses the fair use doctrine. The next section examines issues related to technology, including Web-related issues and permission. The third section explores the Act, covering implied license, institutional service providers, and criminal consequences and liability. References to cases and examples are given throughout the text. A concluding section suggests that if educators are to advance in the digital age, they must compromise between right and rule and between freethinking and structured regulation. An appendix provides a list of university Web sites dealing with copyright issues. (Contains 58 case references.) (SM)