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Tech Tip: Focus Better with Strict Workflow

by Luann Edwards on November 20th, 2018 | 0 Comments

This week's #TechTip profiles a resource called Strict Workflow.

Do you find yourself constantly distracted by other sites as you're trying to complete a project on your computer? Maybe you're in the middle of an article and have the sudden urge to flip to a new window and search Pinterest or catch up on Twitter. These diversions can not only be temporarily distracting, but they can also greatly decrease your productivity and make it harder to accomplish required projects.

Strict Workflow can help! This Chrome extension offers the ability to block distracting websites for a brief period of time, allowing you to focus completely on a project. Keep distracting content blocked for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. The software helps you maximize your productivity by erasing distractions while you work. 

Interested? Learn more.

Do you have a similar resource you'd like to see us feature in an upcoming #TechTip? Tweet @PfeifferLibrary with your recommendation, and use #TechTip. We could feature your recommendation on an upcoming blog post! 

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