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Library Acquisitions

Help the library build its collection!

New Library Databases

APA Style Central

Learn the rules of APA style and receive assistance on how to integrate it into your research and writing for inside and outside the classroom.

Sage Stats

Contains statistical datasets on counties and cities with data that includes education, crime, and healthcare. There is also ability to obtain industry data by zip code.

U.S. Political Stats

Contains over 225,000 data series—or data measures over time about people, places, and policies— going back to 1982 across 10 distinct political science data categories

Chronicle of Higher Education

Trade source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.

WorldCat Discovery

Meta searches WorldCat, ArticlesFirst, PapersFirst, ProceedingsFirst, Dissertations & Theses (OCLC), ERIC, GPO Monthly Catalog and OAIster. In general, we recommend that you use the EBSCO discovery service: DragonQuest

About this Page

At Pfeiffer Library, we are committed to ensuring we have top quality resources to support our students and instructors. Here you can learn more about our efforts with the following pages:

  • Recent Acquisitions
    Review a list of recently added items to the library's collection.
  • Get Involved
    Get involved and let the library know what sort of materials you'd like to see in the library.
  • Help
    Provides links to additional resources that were not otherwise mentioned.

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